
Intentionallies is a Japanese architectural firm. This is a flash site. The page has made the surfing area like a desktop with cards strewn across. By clicking on the cards you can expand them and get the details. You can also pick cards up and arrange them on your "desktop". The new arrangement will be saved so the next time you enter the site your customised layout will still be there.

I think this site is very interactive, it gives users the chance to arrange their information to suit their needs users are now users have freedom to choose what information they want to display. The cards can be arranged in any order you like but there is a drop down menu where you can choose how you want to arrange the cards, The menu follows your cursor around so that you don't have to go and find it. This is a really good idea as the drop down menu is very handy when you want to select and arrange certain categories or orders.

The site is very visually based, you zoom in and out and change your views from left to right, people
can orientate themselves to where they are and how to proceed. The navigation is quite simple, users are guided through the site. Using the desktop concept allows the company to place their contact information and other essential information on the first page. This is a good idea as it helps people get their information easily without the hassle of navigating through many pages.

One problem of this site is that you have to go through the same process for view every card and that can take up a bit of time. The site takes some time to load.

Overall I think this site is very good due
to its different concept.